ep 80 - Leading a Creative Life to Enhance your Innovative Mind - Nicola Newman
Unlock your Great Ideas, In and Out of your Workplace.
One of our favourite guests, Nicola Newman is an artist, author, speaker, entrepreneur, business developer, gardening teacher, digital nomad and creativity-advocate. Nicola lives ‘an unconventional life’ and creativity has been the basis for Nicola’s life as it unfolds.
We catch up with Nicola whilst she is travelling as a Digital Nomad around Australia. This show unlocks the tips and tools to allow you to push past your creative blocks and help unlock cracking new ideas. The ability to be able to problem solve is your greatest asset, and in this show, we talk about the ways and means to enhance your creative thinking ability.
Here's what we chat about with Nicola in this weeks show:
- Nicola’s world of creativity and how it can be accessed online
- What happens when you start to take on a creative endeavour?
- How do we achieve true creative freedom in our mind?
- How we can free up our own creativity when we create for ourselves, and not to please others.
- The power of play and how that can spill over to your workplace.
- What really makes a true hobby?
- Ways to keep your momentum with your hobby.
- Why unfinished projects can fuel your creativity?
- Where can your sparks creativity lead you… finding a hobby.
- Creative people are always creative in more than one way.
- How hobbies like the arts help us access the right part, or creative part of the brain.
- What is a digital nomad?
- Living the life of a creative digital nomad.
Nicola Newman
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